Why pay for local Copy Trading when you can do it for free?
Copy Trading & Mirror-Trading Free Forever

Why people loves us
Easy to setup
You download, install, and you're ready to copy, without complicated configurations.
17.500+ downloads
In less than a year, over 17.500 people have chosen to copy their trades with Copiix.
Infinite combinations
Clients can enjoy unlimited accounts and trades at no extra cost.
Regular updates
Our software continually improves thanks to the valuable feedback from our community.
Super fast performance
Despite the lack of direct connections with clients, our system is fast and reliable in every situation.
✨ Remote Service
You can copy trades from anyone, you can send your trades to anyone, isn't that great!!!
Account is not required
No sign-ups or personal info needed: open Copiix and start Copy Trading instantly. Mix and match cTrader, MT4, and MT5 with zero limits, zero hassle.

Run terminal and Go!
With Copiix, choose to operate as a Copy Trading Provider, a Copier, or both, effortlessly syncing your terminals with full flexibility. Pick any combination and manage everything hassle-free.

And all of this? Free. Forever ❤️
- All Brokers
- Unlimited Combinations
- Open
- Close
- Edit Stoploss & TakeProfit
- Partial Close
- Telegram Notification
- Mirror Trading (synchronization)
- Prefix & Suffix
- Translate Pair
- Filter Pair
- Reverse Trade
- Money Management
Want More?
We’ve got some superpowers, too—but they’re only available to those who support the project with a monthly donation.

Here’s a look at our superpowers ✨✨✨✨✨
- Remote Service (Provider & Copyer)
- Webhook Service (like Tradingview)
- Magic Number Filter
- Multiple Pauses
- Basket Close
- Drawdown Control
- Target Control

If you’re in Europe, the UK, or Brazil, open a real account with IcTrading using this link: https://www.ictrading.com?camp=79350. Don’t forget to enter 79350 as the IB code if asked.

For other regions, use IcMarkets and open a live account here: https://icmarkets.com/?camp=22482, and enter 22482 as the IB code if prompted.
Guaranteed support with any broker, for all markets, Forex, Indices and ...
Even if some brokers use additional characters in their tools, Copiix can still copy them, thanks to its exceptional data management. A true cross-broker service.

We are a team of programmers and traders with over 24 years of experience, committed to excellence in everything we do.
We have developed a fast and reliable system that is completely free, representing an innovation in the industry and providing tangible assistance to all our trader friends.
Founder Copiix
Free resources & support
User-friendly documentation
A comprehensive and understandable manual
The latest tutorials & product news
All our videos on youtube, find everything you need to get started
We are working on extraordinary services
We will also help you with our premium signals and services
Start using Copiix now
Over 17.500+ users are already using it, join our community of traders